The Colours of Christmas in Australia

The Colours of Christmas in Australia

‘Carmine, vermillion, alizarin reds

Smokey blue grey and sage greens’

Some of the colours of Christmas here in Australia.

When was the last time you went foraging in nature just for the sake of it?

I was struck by these iridescent gum leaves whilst on a quiet walk through the bush.

They were glowing…calling to me to gather them up from the forest floor.

Once home, as if in a trance.. I started to create…placing one leaf…then the next

Reaching for shells and rocks to finish it off...look… ‘a gum leaf christmas tree’

No words can describe the feeling of getting lost in the process of creating!

No rushing, no agendas, no right, no wrong, no end game….just being present and taking it slow.

What could you make from the natural world around you?

Radiate happiness like a fragrant flower...

Radiate happiness like a fragrant flower...

My designs on Red Bubble

My designs on Red Bubble