‘Carmine, vermillion, alizarin reds
Smokey blue grey and sage greens’
Some of the colours of Christmas here in Australia
All tagged creativity
‘Carmine, vermillion, alizarin reds
Smokey blue grey and sage greens’
Some of the colours of Christmas here in Australia
This is a step by step guide to creating a silhouette painting using both acrylic paint and watercolour.
Copyright Sancha Prowse Art
Here are the wonderful creations from yesterday’s online art gathering.
Silhouette paintings this week ~ Creativity and connection
More images to come…..next week will be choose your own adventure
Last Saturday, 12 women joined me for the first online creativity and connection art class. My heart was singing as I watched these wonderful ladies creating and chatting away. The best part for me was catching up with friends, some who I hadn’t seen for 10 years.
There were friends from Coffs Harbour, Boat Harbour, the Mornington Peninsula even as far as Vancouver Canada as well as of course many areas of Sydney.
We live in such amazing times of technical connectivity and yet there is an epidemic of loneliness, restlessness and disconnection. Could this disconnection actually be the result of a disconnect from our souls. Surely we are body, mind and spirit….and yet many struggle to connect with their spirit in a conscious and ongoing way.
This makes so much sense to me…for it is when my mind is still and I am fully present I can hear the callings of my soul. In the last few months I have been intentionally setting times aside and silencing the outer distractions of life so that I can access my intuition while painting and journaling.
Having a little ritual has really helped this…